The wonderful thing about I'm the only one
Everything here is my opinion. I do not speak for your employer.
May 2004
August 2004

2004-07-05 »

Alas, poor Advogato...

If only you had had System ER. :)

But it's good to have it back. Otherwise I would have had to go through the probably trivial effort of installing NITLog, followed by the non-trivial effort of collecting and converting my previous diary entries, and the depressingly large effort of coming up with my own CSS stylesheet.

2004-07-17 »


Blech. Capitalism is just a fancy meritocracy, and look what you get. When the judges of merit aren't worthy of merit themselves, weird things happen.

And speaking of capitalism...

I've confirmed it. Spending money doesn't cause happiness, only earning it does. So if earning your money doesn't make you happy, then do something, quick: it's not getting any better from there.

May 2004
August 2004

I'm CEO at Tailscale, where we make network problems disappear.

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